I get to see this beautiful sight everyday. God opened up a door for me to work as a lifeguard at a summer camp. I have seen so many hurt kids and teens come in two weeks then i have ever seen in my life. I have been able to speak into their lives, befriend them and know that they are loved. It has been amazing. Every morning i wake up to this sight, everynight i get to see the sunset on this same feild. I am where I love to be, in the wilderness, far from civilization, but in a way i love coming out of the bush and into life, into the world, back to where i came from. God has done so much in my life these past few weeks. I am still working on feeling like im whole again, there are days where I feel like my smile is broken, but I trust God will help me work out everything in these next few weeks. And I thank him everyday for taking me on step closer to where he wants me to be. And that is all I have to say today
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